Sale: | Vintage Clock Dublin |
Total : 10
Showing 1 - 10 of 10 sale
Upstyled clock |
€20 |
Handpainted in pale green and given a vintage look
Dublin | Dublin
Vintage Mantle Clock |
€60 |
Stunning 'Made in USSR Маяк / MAJAK' Crystal office/desk/mantle Clock from the 1950/60s, 11 Jewels
Dublin | Dublin
Vintage Mantle Clock |
€60 |
Stunning 'Made in USSR Маяк / MAJAK' Crystal office/desk/mantle Clock from the 1950s, 11 Jewels
Dublin | Dublin
Beautiful vintage inlaid mantel clock |
€25 |
Good condition Not working No glass front Beautiful.inlay Ideal.for display or repair 19" by 9.5"
Dublin | Dublin
Vintage Radio Alarm Clock (Nentone) |
€15 |
Old-school radio alarm clock: Perfect if you want to hit a real snooze button in the morning
Dublin | Dublin
Vintage goblin teasmade |
€60 |
clock will wake you up to tea in bed for the price of an electric kettle!
Dublin | Dublin
Marrentz TS4000 Radio Tuner vintage collectable |
€20 |
Vintage collectable Marrentz TS4000 AM FM Radio Tuner in perfect working order with digital clock
Dublin | Dublin
Royal Tara. Vintage fine bone China Clock |
€30 |
Royal Tara vintage fine bone China Clock. Blue cornflower pattern to the front and side edges
Dublin | Dublin
Royal Tara. Vintage fine bone China Clock |
€20 |
Royal Tara vintage fine bone China Clock.
Blue cornflower pattern to the front and side edges
Dublin | Dublin
Terence Clifford antiques |
French hand carved chairs only €65 each Massive sale 42D Pearse street Dublin 2 T Clifford Antiques