Sale: | Typewriter In Dublin |
Total : 13
Showing 1 - 10 of 13 sale
Imperial Typewriter |
€45 |
Imperial Manual Typewriter with cover included. In excellent condition and working well. Little
Dublin | Dublin
Portable Typewriter |
€35 |
Royal 200 portable typewriter with carrying case, perfect order. Has acute and grave accent keys
Dublin | Dublin
Antique Remington typewriter |
€100 |
Antique Remington typewriter Great condition Solid metal Not working at moment but beautiful piece
Dublin | Dublin
Vintage royal typewriter |
€70 |
Great condition Works perfect Comes in case with handle
Dublin | Dublin
Vintage royal typewriter |
€60 |
Good condition Works perfect Has new ribbon and spare ribbon Comes,with leather cover
Dublin | Dublin
Vintage Underwood Typewriter |
€160 |
Underwood portable typewriter
Standard 4 bank keyboard
In original case dated 1915
Can type needs
Dublin | Dublin
Vintage Underwood Typewriter |
€160 |
Nice condition vintage manual typewriter. All keys appear to be working although it does need new
Dublin | Dublin
Vintage Imperial Safari typewriter |
€50 |
Vintage imperial safari typewriter Great condition Works perfect Has working ribbon Comes in black
Dublin | Dublin
Vintage antares capri typewriter |
€50 |
Great working order Just needs new ribnon Comes inn case