Sale: | Slate Prices |
Total : 11
Showing 1 - 10 of 11 sale
Flashing Slate |
€35 |
Slate flashing SFM4A, slate flashing to suit M4A windows (78cm * 98cm), for slate depth to 16mm
Dublin | Dublin
Photo slate..personalised |
Different size. Photo slate with your text ..Photo.. logo.. Price from 15€...
Dublin | Dublin
Engraved natural slate |
Personalised engraved natural slate. Prices start from 30e. Can be framed or made for hanging
Carlow | Carlow
Roof slates 22 by 11 inch |
120 , 22 by 11 inch slates Priced at €2.80 each Plus 30 extra that could be used for cuts Please
Dublin | Dublin
6 x 3 feet 3/4 size snooker table |
€150 |
Priced to sell, improve your snooker skills on this slate bed 3/4 size snooker table with cue
Dublin | Dublin
Roof slates 24 by 12 |
Old 24 by 12 inch roof slates 110 priced at 3.80 each + 60 extra that could be used for cuts Please
Dublin | Dublin
Snooker Table |
€680 |
Snooker Table 9ft x 5ft Proper slate table Extras included -Two cues -Two rests -Snooker ball set
Louth | Louth
Roofing Supplies Velux windows flashings vents chimney cowls |
estate, Dublin 10. We stock all your roofing supplies at the lowest prices. Top brands such as Velux
Dublin | Dublin
Outdoor playhouse |
€750 |
Timber shiplap cladded playhouse complete with real berona slated roof with two mock sash windows