Sale: | Shop Shelving |
Total : 51
Showing 1 - 10 of 51 sale
Shop fittings |
€200 |
Hi I close my shop and I've of lot of shelves for quick sell has to go by tomorrow around 50
Wicklow | Wicklow
Retail shop gondola shelves |
€225 |
Best quality and price guarantee.... Tegometall type, supermarket wall shelving according to your
Dublin | Dublin
Retail shop wall shelves |
€140 |
Best quality and price guarantee.... Tegometall type, supermarket wall shelving according to your
Dublin | Dublin
Retail shop gondola shelves |
€205 |
Best quality and price guarantee.... Tegometall type, supermarket wall shelving according to your
Dublin | Dublin
Retail shop wall shelves |
€125 |
Best quality and price guarantee.... Tegometall type, supermarket wall shelving according to your
Dublin | Dublin
Shop counter |
€100 |
Shop counter for sale-lime green top with shelves in good condition- Must sell this week-end!
Dublin | Dublin
Large amount shop shelving for sale |
Large amount shop shelving for sale, 5 yrs old open to offers!
Dublin | Dublin
Large amount shop shelving for sale |
Large amount shop shelving for sale, 5 years old excellent condition €200.
Phone Brian on 086
Dublin | Dublin
Shop fixture and fitting for sale |
Fixture and fitting for a shop for sale all shelves, fridges, etc open to offers. Phone Brian on
Dublin | Dublin
Shop Fittings For Sale |
€2,500 |
Superbly built wooden shop fittings complete with side lighting and LED down lights with adjustable