Sale: | Beauty Salon Equipment |
Total : 12
Showing 1 - 10 of 12 sale
Beauty salon equipment |
Beauty salon closing down - equipment for sale
Barber chair
Reception Desk
Assorted stock
Dublin | Dublin
Beauty Salon Equipment ! |
Got a box full of beauty salon equipment that is all brand new 280 euros for the lot. NO TIME
Galway | Galway
Hair salon equipment |
€200 |
7 full length work stations 2 beauty beds Reception desk
Limerick | Limerick
Beauty salon equipment for sale |
Tanning machine €100 Tanning tent €50 Beauty trolley €25 Nail polish collection plus wall sign €80
Dublin | Dublin
Beauty salon equipment for sale |
€200 |
Massage bed €130 Spray tan machine and tent €150 Large mirror €30 2 Pictures €25 1 picture €30 Display bits and bobs €20 Reception...
Dublin | Dublin
Beauty Salon contents for sale |
Contents of Beauty Salon for sale, beds, full make up stand with contents, barbers chairs, nail
Meath | Meath
Nail Salon for sale |
Dublin. Fully equipped and ready to go with great client database. Beautiful reception area, storage
Dublin | Dublin
Hair & Beauty equipment and stock for sale |
Salon equipment for sale : Hair station unit - 130 each( have 2) Black Hairdressing chair 1 - 200
Dublin | Dublin
BEAUTY SALON / SPA Neo Qi Energy Cocoon |
€750 |
. The cocoon is equipped with the best thermo